My Trip to Panama City

For me, my best holidays was my travel to Panama City, the last February.

I was there since  18 Februry until the first week of march, like a twenty days, and i had the lucky to know a lot of places, diferent people and realities.

I traveled with my grandmother, after we go down of plane, we were received by a panamanian friends, they are friends of my paternal family  since more of fifty years, and they took us to their house. My close friend is the  grandaughter of the my grandma friend,  so i  stay at her home while the trip last.

During this time, our friends took us to meet very amazing places. I saw the old town of Panama city, where are very beautifuls pedestrian walks, with views of the bay, museums, craft fairs, and old buildings, date  from the time of neoclacism, or even before.

I went to the carnival to, on that country the tradition of carnival is on the towns, out of the city, and each has a allegorical car, with his own queen.

i meet to the parties of carnival, with music, dance, stage and fire trucks throwing water to the people.

Well, my trip was long, and very intense, so i dont mentioned all the activities i did, but the mos important to me of the trip, was i could know a very diferent culture, very diferent people, Panama is a country with more  cultural integration, with  an exuberant nature, a lot of sun and music,coustums different at the Chilean ones, and i won a friend, we  became closer, and a very good family that i knew and love, at the other side of Latin America.


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